Contributing to django-gvar

Thank you for considering contributing to django-gvar. On this page, we line out of how to best help out. And of course, please make sure you are welcoming and friendly (see also the Python community code of conduct).

Guiding principles

This module is an open-source project which incorporates G. Peter Lepage's Gaussian random variables in Django's ORM. Hence, it is one of our guiding principles to stay as close as possible to both packages, which allows utilizing existing functionality, resources, and staying compatible as much as possible.

What we are looking for

Contributions which simplify working with GVars and improve stability and longevity of this extended data type in ORMs.

Community: questions & discussions

If you find a potential bug, do not hesitate to contact us and file an issue---we will try to address it as soon as possible. But also, if you feel you have an idea for potential improvement, we welcome issues on feature requests and enhancements.

Filing Bugs

When filing a bug report, please let us know:

  1. What is your Python, Django, and GVar version?
  2. What did you do?
  3. What did you expect to see?
  4. What did you see instead?

Your first contribution

We appreciate help in the form of pull requests---take a look at open issues and try identifying a problem you like to work on. To start development, please fork this repository (master branch) and install the development dependencies

pip install --user -e .[dev]

We try to follow PEP8 as much as useful (see also Flake8). In this context, we also appreciate formatting along the lines of black---the uncompromising Python code formatter.

Before you submit pull requests, please:

1. Make sure all tests work
pytest tests/
2. The code is linted and
3. The code is formatted
black --check .


django-gvar follows Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH). Branches start with a v, e.g., v1.1.0, and once merged into master will obtain the previous branch name as a tag.